Introduction to Seminar
Overview of Seminar Goals, Curriculum, and Expectations
Introductions, Program Logistics, and Discussion

Lecture: American Attitudes Toward Islam & Muslims
Readings: The Practice of Islam in America: An Introduction (to be read before arrival)
Kambiz GhaneaBassiri, “Introduction,” History of Islam in America, 1-9
African American Muslims in the Antebellum South
Readings: Omar ibn Sayyid, The Autobiography of Omar Ibn Sayyid (1831), 5-9
Kambiz GhaneaBassiri, “Islamic Beliefs and Practice in Colonial and Antebellum America,” History of Islam in America, 59-94
View and Discuss Prince among Slaves (60 min.)
History of Muslim Immigrants and Converts
Readings: Mohammed Alexander Russell Webb, “Islam in America” (1893), 9-18

Interviews with Syrian Muslim Sodbusters in North Dakota, 29-39
KambizGhaneaBassiri, “Race, Ethnicity, Religion, and Citizenship,” History of Islam in America, 135-164
The Flowering of African American Islam
Readings: Excerpts from Moslem Sunrise newspaper, including “I Am a Moslem” (1921), “True Salvation of the American Negroes” (1923), “Crescent or Cross: A Negro May Aspire to any Position under Islam without Discrimination” (1923), and “Living Flora—And Dead” (1924), 53-58
Noble Drew Ali, The Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple (1927), 59-64
Kambiz GhaneaBassiri, “Rooting Islam in America,” History of Islam in America, 165-227
Mosque Visit No. 1
Al-Huda Mosque, Fishers, Indiana, https://alhudafoundation.org/
Assimilation and Dissent: Muslim America in the Cold War
Readings: Abdo Elkholy, The Arab Moslems in the United States (1966), 76-85
Shaikh Daoud Ahmed Faisal, Al-Islam: The Religion of Humanity (1950), 64-72
Elijah Muhammad, “What the Muslims Want” and “What the Muslims Believe” (1965), 92-96
Piri Thomas, Excerpt from Down these Mean Streets (1967), 85-92
Kambiz GhaneaBassiri, “Islam and American Civil Religion in the Aftermath of World War II,” History of Islam in America, 228-271
Malcolm X and His Legacy in U.S. History and Literature
Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali, and kidsReadings: Malcolm X, “Interview with Al-Muslimun,” 96-104
W. D. Mohammed, “Historic Atlanta Address” (1978), 116-120
Minister Louis Farrakhan, “Million Man March Address” (1995), 130-139
Religious Revival from the 1970s until Today
Readings: Jeffrey Lang, Struggling to Surrender: Some Impressions of an American Convert to Islam (1995), 139-148
Sally Howell, “Finding the Straight Path: A Conversation with Mohsen and Lila Amen about Faith, Life, and Family in Dearborn” (2000), 148-158
Kambiz GhaneaBassiri, “A New Religious America and a Post-Colonial Muslim World,” 272-326
Women and Gender in Muslim America
Readings: Damarys Ocana, “Our Stories: A Leap of Faith” (2004), 158-166
Asra Q. Nomani, Standing Alone in Mecca: An American Woman’s Struggle for the Soul of Islam (2005), 169-178
Leila Ahmed, “From Abu Dhabi to America,” (2000), 183-188
Asma Gull Hasan, American Muslims: The New Generation (2000), 207-215
Azizah al-Hibri, “An Introduction to Muslim Women’s Rights” (2001), 215-223
Amina Wadud, Qur’an and Woman: Rereading the Sacred Text from a Woman’s Perspective (1999), 223-231
Khalida Saed, “On the Edge of Belonging” in Living Islam Outloud: American Muslim Women Speak (2005), 231-238
Mosque Visit No. 2
Readings: Imam Zaid Shakir, “An Examination of the Issue of Female Prayer Leadership” (2005), 239-246
Laury Silvers, “Islamic Jurisprudence, ‘Civil’ Disobedience, and Woman-Led Prayer” (2005), 246-252
Ingrid Mattson, “Can a Woman be an Imam? Debating Form and Function in Muslim Women’s Leadership” (2005), 252-263
Visit Nur Allah Mosque
Muslim American Public Life after 9/11
Readings: Council of American-Islamic Relations, “The Status of Muslim Civil Rights in the United States” (2005), 268-275
Laila Al-Marayati, “American Muslim Charities: Easy Targets in the War on Terror” (2005)
“United States of America v. Earnest James Ujaama,” (2002), 275-287
Fiqh Council of North America, “Fatwa against Terrorism” (2005), 293-296
Omid Safi, “Being Muslim, Being American after 9/11,” (2002), 296-302
Spoken word: Suheir Hammad, “first writing since” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LxKItHJ06E)
Kambiz GhaneaBassiri, “Between Experience and Politics,” 327-378
Muslim American Spirituality and Religious Life
Readings: Betty Hasan Amin, “Hajj in a Wheelchair,” Azizah Magazine (2002), 339-346
Abdul Rauf, “Who is God?” in Qur’an for Children (1995)
Shakina Reinhertz, Women Called to the Path of Rumi (2001), 348-358
Aminah McCloud and Frederick Thaufeer al-Deen, A Question of Faith for Muslim Inmates (1999)
Contemporary Muslim American Voices
The group will help to identify topics of conversation, and the director will gather a round table of Muslim Americans from central Indiana to discuss these topics.

Islamic Ethics in America
Readings: Suhail Mulla, “Online Advice about Muslim Youth” (2004 and 2005), 378-384
Islamic Medical Association of North American (IMANA), “Islamic Medical Ethics” (2005), 384-395
Yahia Abdul-Rahman and Abdullah S. Tug, “Introduction to Lariba Financing” (1998), 395-401
Capital D, “Culture of Terrorism” from Insomnia, 402-405
Discuss Teaching Tools
During the final day, participants will discuss the teaching tools they developed and what they learned from working on the tools. Participants are also encouraged to submit the tool for possible publication on the seminar website.