As an author, I have tried to make my ideas and discoveries available to a wide range of readers, especially K-12 teachers and their students. My Muslims in America: A Short History (Oxford, 2009) is a jargon-free introduction to Muslim American history and life appropriate for high school students.
Similarly, the two-volume Encyclopedia of Muslim-American History is an accessible reference work; like other encyclopedias, it’s something even the casual reader might skim in order to get a sense of the long history of Muslim America.
If you would like to understand better how Muslims actually practice their religion, I edited a book called The Practice of Islam in America: An Introduction. This is where you can find answers to all your questions about how Muslim Americans pray or what a Muslim American funeral is like. I also designed an accompanying website that offers group discussion questions and learning exercises.
In order to make Muslim American primary sources widely available, I have worked with the IUPUI Library to create digital archives, including the Archive of Muslim American History and Life (AMAHL) and the Indianapolis Imam Warith Deen Muhammad Community collection.
I also contribute occasional interviews and articles to newspapers and other media outlets. This work often addresses issues in the news such as the Shari’a, American mosques, and Islamophobia in 1,000 words or less!
Finally, I hold workshops for K-12 and higher education faculty on how to integrate Muslim Americana across the curriculum. Please contact me at [email protected] if you would like to invite me to do so in your community.