Lesson Plans

As part of their work in the Muslim American History and Life seminar, NEH Scholars produced teaching presentations often geared to both national and state curriculum standards. Some of these are formal lesson plans while others provide content for the classroom.

2019 Seminar
Sarah Carrola, Muhammad Ali for 7th Grade Reading
Anastasia Gamino, Ramadan in the U.S. and Around the World for 7th Grade
Hope Grover, Muslim American Identity-Making and Oral History
Christopher Hedglin, AP US History Assessments on Muslim America
Gregory Hill, American Literature, the Hajj, and Other Pilgrimages
Alisha Lyman, Teaching about Muslim Americans in Utah Classrooms
Corbin Mathias, Islam, the West, and Muslim America for German Class
Tara Nygaard, Muslim American Books for K-12 Libraries
Robin Perez, Analyzing Bias in the Media Project
Natalia Ritchie, Using Orff Method to Teach Muslim Children’s Books
Aisha Santos, Latinx Converts to Islam
Harold Spooner, Teaching about Islamophobia in Psychology Class

2018 Seminar
Ruth Alderfer, Muslim American Girls and Sports Participation
Suzy Anderson, Muslim Americans Beyond Stereotypes for 7th Grade English
Beatriz Anguiano, Enslaved African American Muslims & 11th Grade U.S. History
Susan Bertoni, Zakat, Or How to Teach about Islam While Doing Math
Brittany Bleicher, Impact of Bosnian Refugees in St. Louis
Mallory Haar, Contemporary Muslim American Women’s Activism
Kaitlyn Haley, Teaching Muslim American Students
Robert Kohnert, Muslim Political Leaders in Minneapolis
Beatriz Orozco, Dave Eggers’ Zeitoun in Context
Chris Payne, The Nation of Islam and Civil Rights for Middle Schoolers
Kurt Prescott, Gender, Sexuality, and Islam
Michelle Reines, The Pilgrimage: Voices of American Hajjis
Sarah Reyes, Muslim American Composer Malek Jandali
Brian Shaver, Integrating Muslim Americana into the Ohio U.S. History Class
Travis Shepherd, Iowa in Muslim American History

2017 Seminar
Roger De Silva, Muslim Women Prayer Leaders and Catholic Women’s Ordination
Beth Franzosa, Understanding Islam for Teachers
Katie Glupker, Detroit Muslim Responses to the Iranian Revolution
Andrew Jones, Muhammad Ali, the First Amendment, and the Supreme Court
John Kenny, The Muslim Gullahs of Coastal Georgia (for Middle School)
Amber Lyons, Using Muslim American Oral Histories to Teach Argumentation
Mark Matthews, Sharia and the U.S. Constitution (For Grade 12 Government)
Emily McGill, Ramadan and Muslim American Teenagers (for World History)
Naadia Owens, Teaching about Legacy, Malcolm X, and Historical Memory
Paul Saboe, Muslim American Women, the Qur’an, and Gender Equality
Jacob Wilkerson, Muslim American Authors in the English III Curriculum
Marc Williams, Islam and Hip Hop

2015 Seminar
João Bichinho, Public Education, Religion, and Teaching about Islam
David Borrelli, Muslim American Feminism
Nicole Chaluisan, Social Media and Ramadan
Kristi LaFollette, African-Born and African American Muslim Communities
Kaitlynn McShea, Muslim American Children’s Literature
Sarah Nickell, Muslim - Jewish Interfaith Student Dialogue
Shannon Swann, French Maghrébins and Muslim Americans
Jacob Thurman, Hip Hop and the Muslim American Experience